
Editor Chat: A Personal Note

By Eileen Diener December 4, 2016
I've been adding events to the calendar and will be adding more throughout the month- please check back often and double check with the venue that times/events haven't changed from the time the event was submitted. Have any great events to list? Submit them!

Back to school is coming quickly and I am ready to let you all know what to do after school studios, sporting fun, crafts, etc. Feel free to e-mail me if you have something that would be great to promote for our community!

Join me on PINTEREST if you haven't done so already! This newsletter is full of some fun articles as well! Share it with your friends and spread the word about Macaroni Kid. 

I'm working on making your BMW newsletter one of your favorites places to visit every week! I need your help though. Any ideas, events, news, photos that you think would be great for our area to hear about-- e-mail me at  I would love to feature some teen/tween writing here (which would be great for colleges to see when doing applications!) I also love hearing about great acts of kindness among our neighbors and would love to feature your fundraisers. So, let's make it happen. E-mail me and join me on facebook as well. If you're not on
 FACEBOOK yet- join me! I am always updating as things pop up and sharing great articles to read! 

Hope you all have an amazing week!